principles of rolfing® structural integration
Adapted from "The Principles of Rolfing" written for the Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration by Jeffrey Maitland, Ph.D., Michael Salveson, and Jan Sultan.
Holism: Rolfers™ recognize that the result of every intervention is determined by the current state of the whole person, and the context in which the client is living. Integration is achieved by addressing the structure and function of the entire body. For the principle of holism to manifest, all of the other four principles must be present. Adaptability: A person can only stay organized to the degree she or he is able to adapt to the present environment, as well as to her or his ever-changing personal limitations. Rolfers seek functional mobility rather than static posture. Palintonicity: Rolfers seek to balance a body in terms of up/down, front/back, in/out, and left/right relationships. Support: Functional ease is found only when each piece of the body receives sufficient support to cope with the constant pressure of gravity. Closure: Ongoing growth and change are supported by each piece of work being completed, so that a person can move on with full attention to the next project. Rolfers manifest closure when the client "can sustain the changes introduced without further intervention." |
"As Rolfers™, we are after grace, pleasure, aliveness and coherence of the body in motion. Joy and happiness are more important than perfection." -Monica Caspari (Rolfing® Structural Integration and Rolf Movement® Instructor) |