Rolfing S.I. helps your entire body move better.
You not only stop hurting, you feel even better than before the pain began. You also learn how to prevent future pain. The Rolfing process balances your body so that you move more efficiently and rest more comfortably. When your body is balanced, you tend to feel less chronic pain get fewer injuries have more energy move with youthful grace, and perform better athletically. During the Rolfing process, people learn about themselves and their bodies. As new postural and movement habits begin, many people heal from trauma, get out of emotional ruts, and thrive through personal transformation. |
*Re-balance your body
*Reduce pain, tension, & injuries *Resolve trauma *Restore youthful grace *Rebuild relationship with embodied self *Revitalize relationships through authentic intimacy Rolfing® Structural Integration is a hands-on, participatory approach to improving efficiency in the body's structure and movement habits. Would you like to be more
"You can change human beings. You can change their structure, and in changing their structure you are able to change their function. Structure determines function to a very great degree and to a degree which we can utilize." -Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D. |